Cinema-Style Videography Services
Translating Relevant Moments
into Memorable Stories

Call or email me for your
FREE consultation and estimate.
Let's discuss and imagine how to best
Translate your relevant moments
into memorable stories.
Jana J Rothenberg - Blay
1-808-651-7224 • Hawaii Standard Time
Jana @ JanajProductions.com
Kauai, Hawaii, USA
Referrals and Links
Fine Arts at
paintings, illustrations, drawings,photography and more adventures into visual communications and creativity.

Coming to Kauai?
Before you arrive, be sure to contact
Kauai Nature Tours for your the BEST geologically and culturally educational guided hikes to Waimea Canyon, to the world class north shore trails of the Na Pali Coast or to one of the many hiking excursions. Ask about private family, group and special tours.

(C) www.Janaj Productions.com email: jana@janajproductions.com 1-808-651-7224 Hawaii Standard Time Zone